Irish Farmer Journal | Ukraine’s farmers allowed to ‘stay away’ from army
Some Ukrainian farmers have been permitted to return to the fields in order to ensure the spring planting campaign is successful.
Some Ukrainian farmers have been permitted to return to the fields in order to ensure the spring planting campaign is successful.
Reuters writer Pavel Polityuk reported yesterday that, “Major global grain grower Ukraine has sown the first 150,000 hectares of spring crops amid the Russian invasion which could sharply reduce the sowing area, the country’s deputy agriculture minister said on Friday.
Sono quasi centomila le aziende agricole italiane che rischiano di fermare l’attività a causa dell’esplosione dei costi di produzione che superano di gran lunga quanto pagato agli agricoltori e agli allevatori per i loro prodotti, dal latte alla frutta, dalla carne alla verdura, riducendo l’autonomia alimentare del Paese e la sua capacità di rispondere a shock di approvvigionamento generati dalle tensioni internazionali. E’ quanto emerge dall’analisi di Coldiretti su dati Crea in riferimento agli effetti della guerra in Ucraina dopo la crisi generata dalla pandemia Covid.
The Forum and its partners are collaborating on humanitarian action in Ukraine and beyond. Explore in the pieces below insights from Forum thought leaders on the war and its global impacts.
As Russia continues its military assault on Ukraine, Ukraine’s agriculture minister warned that its spring crop, and even next year’s harvest, could be halved, hampering its ability to continue to function as a major global agriculture producer and exporter
L'evento consolida già i suoi primi effetti sulle previsioni dei raccolti Ue secondo il Coceral, ma è pronto a irrompere per la seconda annata consecutiva nell'Ovest degli Usa, secondo le previsioni del Noaa valide fino a tutto giugno
Quanto rischia di perdere l'Ue a causa della guerra? Aiuti nel settore suino, +500 milioni dai fondi della Pac, deroga temporanea sui terreni a riposo e maggiore ricorso agli aiuti di Stato, alla stregua di quanto fatto per la crisi del covid-19, sono le azioni a breve termine pensate dalla Commissione Ue
The European Commission has presented a range of short-term and medium-term actions to enhance global food security and to support farmers and consumers in the EU in light of rising food prices and input costs, such as energy and fertilisers. The surge in global commodity prices, further accelerated by Russia's invasion of Ukraine, highlights again the need for EU agriculture and food supply chains to become more resilient and sustainable, in line with the Farm to Fork strategy.
The war in Ukraine threatens to lead to food riots, political upheaval and turn back the clock in years of progress in Africa, the continent’s top economist told The Telegraph.
A crucial portion of the world’s wheat, corn and barley is trapped in Russia and Ukraine because of the war, while an even larger portion of the world’s fertilizers is stuck in Russia and Belarus.