2022 Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA)

Online Event

The Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) is an international conference on central issues of global agricultural and food policies. It is hosted by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) in Berlin on an annual basis. The [...]

2022 WFO General Assembly

Budapest, Hungary Budapest, Hungary

The 2022 WFO General Assembly will take place in Budapest, Hungary, from June 7 to 10, 2022. The event is organised in collaboration with the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK). The WFO General Assembly represents a unique gathering for the worldwide farmers’ community. It annually convenes farmers’ leaders [...]

High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development t (HLPF) 2022

New York, USA

From Tuesday, 5 to Friday, 15 July 2022, the World Farmers’ Organisation (WFO) will join the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development to reiterate that farmers, men, women and youth, are the most powerful actors to accelerate the achievement of Sustainable [...]

28th Committee on Agriculture (COAG)

The 28th Session of the Committee on Agriculture will be conducted as a hybrid event from 18th to 22nd July 2022. During the 2022 sessions, delegates will discuss a range of topics related to the COAG mandate, including the outcomes [...]

IDF World Dairy Summit 2022

New Delhi, India

The IDF World Dairy Summit is an annual meeting of the global dairy sector, bringing together approximately 1500 participants from all over the world. The IDF World Dairy Summit will provide a forum for industry experts to share knowledge and [...]

First Global Forum of the UN Decade of Family Farming 2019-2028

After three years of implementation, the UN Decade of Family Farming 2019-2028 (UNDFF) will host its first Global Forum on 19-22 September 2022. Co-organised by FAO-IFAD, the Forum will leverage the experiences of different actors to take stock of [...]

WTO Public Forum 2022

Geneva 17 rue de Varembe, Geneve, Switzerland

The Public Forum is the WTO’s largest annual outreach event, which provides a platform for participants to discuss the latest developments in world trade and propose ways of enhancing the multilateral trading system. Under the overall theme "Towards a sustainable and [...]

50th Plenary Session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS 50)

FAO Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, Roma, Italy

The 50th Plenary Session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS 50), will take place from 10 to 13 October 2022. Elizabeth Nsimadala, in her role of WFO Board Member for the African Constituency, will be in Rome [...]

2022 UN Climate Change Conference (COP 27)

Sharm El-Sheikh International Convention Center (SHICC) EL Salam Road,Um Marikha Bay, South Sinai Governorate, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt

From November 6 to 18, the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt will host the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 27) to build on previous successes and pave the way for future ambition to tackle the global [...]

World Economic Forum Annual Meeting (Davos 2023)

Davos Congress Center Talstrasse 49a, Davos, Switzerland

The World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting will take place from January 16 to 20 in Davos, Switzerland. The topic of WEF 23 is: “Cooperation in a Fragmented World”, and it aims to focus on the need for bold collective [...]

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