Centro de información agrícola de COVID 19
El COVID-19 (Coronavirus) ha sido declarado una emergencia sanitaria mundial de preocupación internacional por la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Este centro de información agrícola les mantendrá al día con los diversos problemas que afectan a la comunidad agrícola en todo el mundo.
Si desean compartir su experiencia, no duden en contactarnos a info@wfo-oma.org
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COVID-19 Outbreak: Farmers Never Give Up
Today, more than ever, it is time to celebrate the farmers of the world that are not stopping and are keeping up and running their role of feeding the world, of ensuring that people in cities can have access to [...]
Thank you farmers for never stopping!
COVID-19 Outbreak: Farmers keeping on feeding the world The recent outbreak of Covid-19 is putting our families, communities, countries, economies under unprecedented pressure. We, the farmers, are standing strong in the middle of this storm: we are not locking down [...]