Centro de información agrícola de COVID 19
El COVID-19 (Coronavirus) ha sido declarado una emergencia sanitaria mundial de preocupación internacional por la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Este centro de información agrícola les mantendrá al día con los diversos problemas que afectan a la comunidad agrícola en todo el mundo.
Si desean compartir su experiencia, no duden en contactarnos a info@wfo-oma.org
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Cooperative in Nepal: Fighting Against COVID-19
by Deepakar Rupakheti, Program Manager, Nepal Agriculture Cooperative Central Federation Limited (NACCFL) The outbreak of COVID-19 is threatening the whole world. In Nepal, COVID-19 was first confirmed to have spread on 24 January. Both lives and livelihood are at [...]
COVID-19 : La FNSEA répond « présent »
Launch of massive mask purchase for Farmers and their farmworkers Based on the needs expressed by farmers, the Fédération Nationale des Syndicats d'Exploitants Agricoles (FNSEA) proposed a joint operation for the collective purchase of protective masks. This approach aims to [...]
COVID-19: COFAG launches a “Farmer Resilience Programme” in Ghana
The Coalition of Farmers-Ghana (COFAG) has launched the “Farmer Resilience Programme” to help its member farmers tackle the COVID-19 pandemic challenges. Here is a roundup of the Programme in 10 key points: Health, hand and face sanitising and hygiene for [...]