Centro de información agrícola de COVID 19
El COVID-19 (Coronavirus) ha sido declarado una emergencia sanitaria mundial de preocupación internacional por la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Este centro de información agrícola les mantendrá al día con los diversos problemas que afectan a la comunidad agrícola en todo el mundo.
Si desean compartir su experiencia, no duden en contactarnos a info@wfo-oma.org
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Norwegian Farmers tackle COVID-19 impacts
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Norway has closed its borders. Foreigners are not allowed to enter the country. As the activity on many farms, in particular in the fruit and vegetable sector, depend on foreign seasonal workers, closed borders represent [...]
COVID-19: COLDIRETTI Initiatives to the benefit of farmers and the most vulnerable population
A close dialogue with EU institutions, government authorities and social partners to advocate the requests and needs of the Italian agricultural sector that is at the forefront of facing the crisis, guaranteeing food supply to the whole population. The launch [...]
[COVID-19 Outbreak] | The Statement of the WFO President
While the world came to a standstill, holding its breath for the Covid19 pandemic to pass, the implications of the measures taken by governments around the globe to limit infections, will have a much wider and longer effect on families, [...]