Ukraine Crisis Agri-Information Hub/Value Chain Initiatives/Press review2022-03-25T10:41:07+01:00

Centro de información agrícola sobre la crisis de Ucrania / Revista de prensa

Esta sección ofrece una idea de la cobertura de los medios de comunicación sobre los problemas que afectan al sector agrícola como resultado de la crisis de Ucrania.

Farm Policy News – Illinois | Ukrainian Farmers Plant First 150,000 Hectares, as Concerns Over Food Price Discontent Persist

Reuters writer Pavel Polityuk reported yesterday that, “Major global grain grower Ukraine has sown the first 150,000 hectares of spring crops amid the Russian invasion which could sharply reduce the sowing area, the country’s deputy agriculture minister said on Friday.

The Sun Nigeria | Africa and the looming food crisis

The on-going war between Russia and Ukraine has reportedly affected the global economy with sharp increase in the price of cereals and agricultural input such as fertilizer. It is against this backdrop that the President of the African Development Bank (AfDB), Dr. Akinwunmi Adesina, recently raised the alarm that the war will likely trigger food riots and political crises in many African countries, especially those that depend so much on food imports from the troubled war zone.

Coldiretti | Ucraina: 100mila aziende agricola a rischio chiusura

Sono quasi centomila le aziende agricole italiane che rischiano di fermare l’attività a causa dell’esplosione dei costi di produzione che superano di gran lunga quanto pagato agli agricoltori e agli allevatori per i loro prodotti, dal latte alla frutta, dalla carne alla verdura, riducendo l’autonomia alimentare del Paese e la sua capacità di rispondere a shock di approvvigionamento generati dalle tensioni internazionali. E’ quanto emerge dall’analisi di Coldiretti su dati Crea in riferimento agli effetti della guerra in Ucraina dopo la crisi generata dalla pandemia Covid.

CNBC | Russia-Ukraine War: How the crisis could impact food supplies, trigger social and political unrest

Experts have said higher food prices could result in unrest in several countries like in the 2007-08 crisis, when riots broke out in countries like Bangladesh and Haiti. People have already started protesting against the surging prices in Iraq

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