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Pre-event in support of the UN Food Systems Summit 2021

If we are to feed 10 billion people within planetary boundaries, every stakeholder in the food value chain – from us farmers of the world to scientists, retailers, investors, civil society, consumers – has a pivotal role in creating healthier, equitable, and more sustainable food systems, including a lively agricultural sector.

The UN Food Systems Summit (FSS) in fall 2021 presents a unique opportunity to bring together all stakeholders from the food value chains to unlock barriers to food systems transformation.

By working collectively to define “what” a positive food systems future looks like and “how” to achieve it, we can ensure that the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit helps catalyze collaborations, policy changes, financial solutions, and innovations that will create long-lasting impact at grassroots and global level.

The “Bold Actions for Food as a Force for Good” virtual summit taking place on 23 and 24 November in the context of the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit, will convene leaders from governments, business, civil society, international organizations alongside innovators, financiers, experts, scientists, entrepreneurs and youth to initiate and accelerate action for food systems transformation.

The World Farmers’ Organisation (WFO), as leader of the Farmers’ constituency, has been invited to give voice and visibility to the farmers by co-leading the event with the World Economic Forum, World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Unilever, PepsiCo, Royal DSM, Rabobank, One Young World, Tufts University’s Friedman School of Nutrition Science & Policy, Wageningen University & Research, and the Government of The Netherlands.

WFO Key Events

Bold Actions for Change – “The Climakers- A farmers driven climate change agenda towards the sustainability of Food Systems

24 November | 12:00-13:30 CET

Hosted by the World Farmers’ Organisation, the session aims at raising awareness about the contribution of farmers to the sustainability of food systems, showcasing their solutions to climate change and how the UN Food Systems Summit next year can become a turning point to ensure a farmer-driven approach to the shift to sustainable food systems. More details are available HERE.

Other must-attending sessions

  • 23 November | 07:00-08:00 CET

Bold Actions for Change – “Farmer Education as a Key Pillar of Oceania’s Food Systems Transformation”
Co-hosted by Nuffield Australia and World Farmers’ Organisation

Katie Sarah Milne, Former President of the Federated Farmers of New Zealand, and WFO Board Member from the Oceanian Constituency since 2018 will join the discussion. To attend this session, please register HERE.

  • 23 November | 10:00-11:30 CET

Bold Actions for Change – “How science-based solutions can secure nutritious and sustainable proteins, for all”
Hosted by Royal DSM

Hans Roust Thysen, Head of the Centre for Climate and Responsibility at SEGES, the research organisation of the Danish Agriculture & Food Council (member at WFO) will bring her experience into the discussions on how science-based solutions can ensure more efficient use of our finite natural resources. The event will be webcast HERE.

  • 23 November | 14:45-16:00 CET

UN Food Systems Summit Action Tracks and Cross-Cutting Themes – “Our generation’s challenge: getting young people back into farming”
Hosted by UN FSS Secretariat, SUN Youth Leaders One Young World, United Nations Major Group for Children and Youth

Jannes Maes, President of the European Council of Young Farmers (CEJA), and member of the WFO Gymnasium Alumni will share the point of view of a young farmers’ leader working on breathing new life into the sector, protecting farming and transforming livelihoods. To join this session, please register HERE.

  • 23 November | 16:15-17:30 CET

UN Food Systems Summit Action Tracks and Cross-Cutting Themes – “Forces for Financing Food Systems Transformation”
Hosted by WBCSD

This session aims at exploring innovative approaches to financing food system transformation and identifying priorities ahead of the UN FSS 2021. WFO Secretary General, Arianna Giuliodori, and Nono Sekhoto, women farmer from AFASA, WFO Member Organisation of South Africa, and WFO Gymnasium Alumna will bring farmers’ needs and expectations into the debate. To join this session, please register HERE.

  • 23 November | 19:15-20:45 CET

Bold Actions for Change – “Advancing regional Food Innovation Hubs through Partnerships”
Hosted by the World Economic Forum

Giovanni Vanni Frajese, WFO Scientific Advisor and Coordinator of the WFO Scientific Council, will address the session to highlight the value of multistakeholder and pre-competitive partnerships and what is really needed to drive and accelerate the adoption of innovation by farmers. To join this session, please register HERE.

  • 24 November | 16:00-18:00 CET

Closing Plenary – “Bold Actions for Food Systems Transformation”

WFO President Theo de Jager will join high-level leaders from the public- and private-sector organizations, civil society groups and consumer groups for a brainstorming session on multistakeholder collaboration at scale to achieve the transformation needed and deliver on the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This session is accessible through the event website, no registration needed.

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