Chargement Évènements

On December 9 and 10, 2020, the Planetary Emergency Partnership will be hosting the conference “STEP into a better world: a call to action”.

The World Farmers’ Organisation (WFO) has been involved in the Planetary Emergency Partnership, which aims at promoting the participation of several stakeholders in declaring a planetary emergency and drawing up an action plan to increase resilience. Covid19 has further exacerbated the existing state of emergency, and 10 commitments have been identified to resolve this global crisis, more information on the Emergency Planetary Plan is available on the dedicated webpage:

The event, therefore, will be a useful opportunity to outline concrete actions to be implemented to achieve the goals indicated, also in view of the UN Food Systems Summit taking place next year.

WFO Key Events

Within the framework of the STEP event, WFO will be engaged in the following sessions:

Design a farmers-oriented pathway for resilient food systems

10 December 2020, 11 AM Rome time

Hosted by WFO,  this one-hour session aims at highlighting how important it is to rely on the agricultural sector and farmers as drivers of change, engage them in multi-stakeholder debates and partnerships to ensure that the sustainability and resilience of food systems are built through farmers-oriented and cross-sectoral approaches.

Strengthen collaboration for local food systems resilience

10 December 2020, 2 PM Rome time

WFO, as member of the Stakeholder Engagement Mechanism (SEM) of the United Nations Office of Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), is supporting the SEM in organising a one-hour session titled Strengthen collaboration for local food systems resilience. The overall idea of the session is to focus on how important it is to build resilience and shift towards more sustainable and resilient food systems especially now that Covid19 exacerbated existing economic and social inequalities, climate change-induced disasters are increasing and so are food insecurity and malnutrition levels. Within this framework, we would like to highlight how important it is to rely on local solutions, learn from local communities and build resilience through an all-of -society approach.

To attend the sessions, you need to register on the Hopin Platform at the following link, using the discounted Education/Non Profit/Ticket option:

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