WFO Ukraine Crisis Agri-Information Hub/World/Press review2022-04-06T10:01:14+02:00

Revue de presse

Cette section offre un aperçu de la couverture médiatique sur les problèmes affectant le secteur agricole à la suite de la crise ukrainienne.

China Global Television Network | Exclusive: Ukraine agriculture minister says harvest to be greatly impacted by conflict

Mykola Solskyi, the new Ukraine's Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food, in an exclusive interview to CGTN's reporter Wu Lei, mentioned that the Ukraine can't export the amount of grain that they usually do. Moreover, the conflict has greatly influenced the sowing season that has already started in Ukraine.

IFPRI | West Africa faces mixed food security impacts from the Russia-Ukraine conflict

This blog post is part of a special series on the global and regional food security implications of rising food and fertilizer prices that began with the pandemic and are now exacerbated by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The blog series is curated by IFPRI Senior Research Fellows Joseph Glauber and David Laborde to offer a range of perspectives and analyses on both the short- and long-term impacts.

Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition | GAIN Interview Cruncher – How war in Ukraine impacts global food supplies

The war in Ukraine has brought into sharp relief how tenuous some of the staple foods we take for granted can vanish. The situation is dire and threatens world’s food security, with many GAIN countries directly affected. Russia and Ukraine are particularly important for Africa's wheat imports with almost 40% being sourced from that area. Disruption there means these countries have to go elsewhere for their imports, causing a drive-in price and demand. Russia's agricultural trade with Africa is predominantly wheat (90%) and for Ukraine, wheat and maize count for approximately 80% of its agricultural trade with Africa, creating a massive knock-on effect for fortified staples.

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