WFO Ukraine Crisis Agri-Information Hub/World/Press review2022-04-06T10:01:14+02:00

Revue de presse

Cette section offre un aperçu de la couverture médiatique sur les problèmes affectant le secteur agricole à la suite de la crise ukrainienne.

Agronotizie | Mercati agricoli, dopo la guerra potrebbe colpire la siccità

L'evento consolida già i suoi primi effetti sulle previsioni dei raccolti Ue secondo il Coceral, ma è pronto a irrompere per la seconda annata consecutiva nell'Ovest degli Usa, secondo le previsioni del Noaa valide fino a tutto giugno

IFPRI | The Russian invasion of Ukraine threatens to further exacerbate the food insecurity emergency in Yemen

This blog post is part of a special series on the global and regional food security implications of rising food and fertilizer prices that began with the pandemic and are now exacerbated by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The blog series is curated by IFPRI Senior Research Fellows Joseph Glauber and David Laborde to offer a range of perspectives and analyses on both the short- and long-term impacts.

Agronotizie | Crisi in Ucraina, le risposte dell’Unione Europea

Quanto rischia di perdere l'Ue a causa della guerra? Aiuti nel settore suino, +500 milioni dai fondi della Pac, deroga temporanea sui terreni a riposo e maggiore ricorso agli aiuti di Stato, alla stregua di quanto fatto per la crisi del covid-19, sono le azioni a breve termine pensate dalla Commissione Ue

European Commission | Commission acts for global food security and for supporting EU farmers and consumers

The European Commission has presented a range of short-term and medium-term actions to enhance global food security and to support farmers and consumers in the EU in light of rising food prices and input costs, such as energy and fertilisers. The surge in global commodity prices, further accelerated by Russia's invasion of Ukraine, highlights again the need for EU agriculture and food supply chains to become more resilient and sustainable, in line with the Farm to Fork strategy.

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