WFO Ukraine Crisis Agri-Information Hub/World/Press review2022-04-06T10:01:14+02:00

Revue de presse

Cette section offre un aperçu de la couverture médiatique sur les problèmes affectant le secteur agricole à la suite de la crise ukrainienne.

FAO | Ukraine – Humanitarian Response Update

Preliminary results from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) monitoring system show a worsening trend in food security, especially in oblasts with active ongoing fighting and those with the highest numbers of displaced people. Within those hosting significant populations of internally displaced people, 20 percent of host households lack cash to meet their basic food needs and cover bills, and on average 80 percent are resorting to various coping mechanisms and incurring debts. FAO requires USD 115.4 million to assist 981 627 people in rural areas until the end of December. To date, FAO has raised USD 8.4 million to reach 70 941 people with livelihoods support. With more resources, FAO will be able to reach more people in time for the spring season. This support is needed urgently.

El Paìs | La subida de costes asfixia a la industria alimentaria: “Un contenedor que valía 1.094 euros ahora me cuesta 14.590 euros”

El sector, que se da cita en el salón Alimentaria, descarta poder recuperar este año el negocio anterior a la pandemia a causa de los atascos en la distribución y al precio de las materias primas

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