WFO Newly Appointed Member to the Civil Society Advisory Group of the World Trade Organization (WTO)

The World Farmers’ Organisation (WFO) announces its appointment as a new member of the Civil Society Advisory Group of the World Trade Organization (WTO).

A global agricultural trading system that truly benefits farmers and their communities can only be achieved if farmers are actively involved in discussions at the WTO. Despite WFO’s persistent presence at the WTO, and even though the Agreement on Agriculture has been in place for nearly 30 years, there has been no formal engagement mechanism for farmers—until now.

Established in June 2023, the Civil Society Advisory Group plays a crucial role by providing an informal yet powerful platform for civil society organisations to engage with the WTO Director-General and express their views on making the multilateral trading system more inclusive and responsive to the pressing global challenges of our time.

“As a newly appointed member of the WTO Civil Society Advisory Group, WFO is proud to bring the voice of the world’s farmers to the forefront of these critical discussions,” stated WFO Secretary General Dr Andrea Porro, who will represent the organization within the Advisory Group. This participation not only gives farmers a platform to voice their concerns but also ensures that their needs are considered in global trade policy-making, leading to a more sustainable and beneficial trading system for all stakeholders.

WFO was invited to join the group in recognition of its unique ability “to assist the Director-General in understanding the needs and challenges faced by farmers and agricultural cooperatives worldwide, which are essential pillars of international trade.” WFO’s involvement is regarded as “a valuable asset to the Advisory Group and its members, contributing significantly to the preservation of a rules-based multilateral trading system.”

Looking ahead, as WFO strengthens its collaboration with the WTO, it remains committed to its mission of strengthening farmers’ role in global agricultural trade discussions and policy development. As part of the WTO Civil Society Advisory Group, WFO will continue to champion a more inclusive, fair, and sustainable global trading system for agriculture, ensuring that it benefits farmers, their communities, and the world.


Cover Photo by ©WTO