WFO champions farmers’ voices at WTO Public Forum 2024, paving the way for inclusive agricultural trade

From September 10 to 13, a delegation from the World Farmers’ Organisation (WFO), including trade experts and farmer leaders from WFO Member Organisations and the WFO International Secretariat* attended the WTO Public Forum 2024 held in Geneva, Switzerland, under the theme: “Re-Globalization: Better Trade for A Better World.”

During their time in Geneva, the WFO Delegation engaged in several official sessions and bilateral meetings, advocating for a farmer-driven, science-based and solution-oriented approach to the agriculture negotiations and, more in general, to the broader discussions around agriculture, trade and sustainability.

In meetings with governments and the WTO, the WFO presented its own experience with consensus-building, notably in revising the WFO Policy on International Trade, in 2023, including by integrating the concept of sustainability.

In line with the principles expressed in the WFO Policy and the activities undertaken by the WFO Working Group on International Trade, the WFO Delegation reiterated our commitment to work with key stakeholders and within relevant international processes to achieve multilateral improvements to the global trading system.

Strong of our experience bringing together farmers from across the world, the WFO, similarly to the WTO, recognizes the potential of multilateralism to acknowledge differences and identify common ground.

As the WTO celebrates its 30th Anniversary and WTO Public Forum 2024 looked to the future, the WFO shared its focus on making trade more inclusive and stressed the importance of a greater involvement of farmers in decisions that impact them.

Key Highlights of the WFO Participation in the WTO Public Forum 2024

WFO Joins the WTO Civil Society Advisory Group

On September 10, Dr Andrea Porro represented the WFO at the WTO Civil Society Advisory Group’s meeting, marking our organisation’s inaugural participation as a newly appointed group member.
The Civil Society Advisory Group was established in June 2023 to foster an open and constructive dialogue between the WTO Director-General and key civil society organisations.
WFO is proud to bring the voices of the world’s farmers—key pillars of international trade—to the forefront of these crucial conversations on making trade more inclusive and responsive to the pressing global challenges of our time. READ MORE

WFO Secretary General Participates in High-Level Panel at the WTO Public Forum

WFO SG Andrea Porro at the WTO Public Forum High-level panel

Photo credit: ©WTO/Tomas Cesalek BAP Services

On September 11, Dr Andrea Porro represented the global farming community on the high-level panel Sowing Inclusivity: Rethinking Agricultural Trade for All.”

An agricultural trading system that truly works for farmers and their communities requires farmers to be directly involved in discussions at the national and global levels,” remarked the WFO Secretary General, emphasizing the importance of farmer participation in identifying and designing reforms that impact the agricultural sector. He also underscored the vital role of farmers’ organisations in facilitating these critical dialogues and ensuring that farmers’ perspectives are integrated in decision-making.


WFO Hosts Farmer-Led Session on Agriculture, Trade and Sustainability

WFO session at the WTO Public Forum 2024

Photo credit: ©WFO

Later that same day, the WFO, in collaboration with the members of the WFO Working Group on International Trade, hosted a dedicated farmer-led session titled Involving Farmers in the Development of Policy Approaches to Trade and Sustainability.”

The event offered a unique bottom-up perspective on how sustainability can be meaningfully integrated into global trade policies.

Moderated by David Exwood, Deputy President of the National Farmers’ Union of England and Wales, the panel featured contributions from Betty Chinyamunyamu, CEO of the National Smallholder Farmers’ Association of Malawi (NASFAM); Lone Andersen, Vice President of the Danish Agriculture and Food Council (DAFC); Geneviève Parent, Full Professor and Legal Research Chair in Food Diversity and Security at Université Laval, Québec, Canada; and Michael Guerin, CEO of AgForce and Interim CEO of AgCarE, Queensland, Australia.

Panellists shared their experiences on how trade policies impact farmers’ ability to enhance the sustainability of food systems. The debate revealed that farmers’ involvement ensures that global trade commitments lead to positive outcomes at the farm level, ensuring that the benefits of trade in the agricultural sector are maximised and equitably shared.

WFO’s participation and impact in the WTO Public Forum 2024 represents a milestone for WFO advocacy efforts within global agricultural trade discussions and continued engagement with the World Trade Organization (WTO). Looking ahead, WFO will continue to push for more inclusive and sustainable agricultural trade policies that reflect the diverse needs of farmers worldwide, prioritize their interests, and contribute to the resilience and sustainability of global food systems.

*The WFO Delegation included representatives from the Canadian Federation of Agriculture (CFA), Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners (MTK Finland)Danish Agriculture & Food Council (DAFC)Irish Farmers’ Association (IFA)LTO NederlandNational Farmers’ Federation AustraliaNational Farmers’ Union of England and Wales (NFU)National Smallholder Farmers’ Association of Malawi (NASFAM)Norwegian Farmers’ Union (NFU) and Swiss Farmers’ Union (SFU), alongside the WFO Secretary General Dr Andrea Porro and Mr Francesco Brusaporco, Advocacy, Policy and Partnerships Officer.

Cover photo by ©WFO