On September 2 and 3, Sharon Cherono, Project Officer at the Kenya National Farmers’ Federation (KENAFF), a WFO’s member organisation, represented the UNFCCC Farmers’ Constituency at the 2024 Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance.

The Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance (SCF) is a significant event, bringing together key global stakeholders—governments, climate funds, financial institutions, civil society, think tanks, and the private sector—to foster collaboration and coordination in mobilising and delivering climate finance.

This year’s SCF Forum focused on the critical theme: “Accelerating climate action and resilience through gender-responsive financing.

The Farmers’ Constituency was invited to attend in recognition of its “expertise and commitment to advancing climate resilience in the agricultural sector” and noting that “integrating gender-responsive approaches in climate finance is essential to ensuring that climate action not only addresses environmental sustainability but also promotes equity and resilience among all stakeholders.”

Sharon Cherono, who represented the Constituency alongside Babafemi Oyewole, CEO of the Pan African Farmers Organization (PAFO), a WFO partner, drew from her own experience working with women farmers in Kenya and many exchanges with farmers worldwide to discuss successful examples and possible strategies to leverage gender-responsive climate finance to realise agriculture’s potential for mitigation and adaptation in the context of climate change. The participation of KENAFF in the Forum was instrumental in creating a link between the global discussions and the local reality of climate change and making the case for a stronger involvement of the global farming community in next year’s SCF Forum, which will focus on climate finance in the agricultural sector.

The WFO is proud to leverage the experiences of its network when advocating for a farmer-driven climate agenda and remains committed to elevating the voices of farmers in global policy processes and multilateral fora and highlighting the role of women in the agricultural sector in the lead-up to the International Year of the Woman Farmer in 2026.

Cover Photo by UN Women Africa