UNITED NATIONS | Secretary-General’s opening remarks to the press on the war in Ukraine

Raising the alert of Russian nuclear forces is a bone-chilling development. The prospect of nuclear conflict, once unthinkable, is now back within the realm of possibility. The security and safety of nuclear facilities must also be preserved. It’s time to stop the horror unleashed on the people of Ukraine and get on the path of diplomacy and peace.

Agronotizie | Guerra e azoto, sembra ormai fuori controllo il mercato dei concimi

Concimi e mercati: informazioni, prezzi, opportunità. A cura di SILC Informa

Farm Journal | The Impact of the Ukraine Invasion on Global Agriculture

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has triggered price spikes and broad concerns in three important global markets that affect agriculture.

Los Angeles Times | Op-Ed: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine should not cause a hunger crisis

Ukraine is a significant transit country of Russian gas. But lost in the discussion is what a wider conflict might do to global food prices amid disruption to the supply chain of grains from Europe’s breadbasket.

The New Humanitarian | How Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will worsen global hunger

From higher prices in nations already struggling with hunger crises – such as Yemen and Lebanon – to reduced harvests in disaster-prone Bangladesh, the food impacts of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will likely be long-lasting and felt across continents, economists, and aid officials warn.

FAO | Information Note. The importance of Ukraine and the Russian Federation for global agricultural markets and the risks associated with the current conflict

Market structure, trade profiles and recent price trends

Ukraine: Food security at stake

WFO is close to all those suffering from conflicts and adds its voice to calls for a rapid resolution of the Ukraine crisis in the interest of all.

IFPRI | How will Russia’s invasion of Ukraine affect global food security?

The unfolding crisis in Ukraine has roiled commodity markets and threatens global food security. The ongoing fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic and other factors have already driven up food prices.

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