The Hindu | Global wheat prices jump after India export ban and Ukraine war: Food and Agriculture Organisation

Last month, India announced that it was banning wheat exports in a bid to check high prices amid concerns of wheat output being hit by the scorching heat wave.

Asia One | Ukraine’s giant seed bank at risk of being lost as war rages

In underground vaults near Ukraine's battlefields, the genetic code for nearly 2,000 crops is in danger of being permanently destroyed. The risk came into sharp focus earlier this month when a research facility near Ukraine's national seed bank was damaged, according to Crop Trust, a non-profit organisation set up by the United Nations (UN) Food and Agriculture Organisation.

CNN | India offered to help fix the global food crisis. Here’s why it backtracked

A month ago, as Russia's war in Ukraine pushed the world to the brink of a food crisis, India's prime minister Narendra Modi offered to help countries facing shortages

The Washington Post | UN chief `hopeful’ of Ukraine grain deal to help food crisis

UNITED NATIONS — With global hunger levels at a new high, the United Nations chief said Wednesday he is in “intense contacts” with Russia and other key countries and is “hopeful” of an agreement to allow the export of grain stored in Ukrainian ports and ensure Russian food and fertilizer have unrestricted access to global markets.

CBS | Food shortages stemming from Ukraine war has world leaders scrambling

The U.S. and the United Nations are working to get grains and essential food moving out of closed ports in war-torn Ukraine. On Wednesday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, and the World Food Program Executive Director David Beasley began two days of meetings at the U.N. in an effort to rectify food crises in Ukraine and across the world.

Financial Times | G7 warns of global hunger crisis unless Russia lifts Ukraine blockade

German foreign minister says alternative export routes are urgently needed as wheat price soars

CNA | Soy boon for Argentina as Ukraine war boosts prices

Russia's war on Ukraine has sent grain prices skyrocketing - a worry for consumers worldwide but potentially a boon for producers like Argentina, which hopes an influx of soybean "agridollars" will boost its faltering economy.

Euractiv | Nearly 25 million tonnes of grain stuck in Ukraine, says UN food agency

Ukrainian farmers started working in their fields amid the ongoing Russian invasion of the country. The European Council accepted a decision to instruct the European Commission to support Ukraine's agriculture and food security following a meeting held on 24-25 March 2022 in Brussels.

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