Rome, Italy, May 14, 2024 – The World Farmers Organisation (WFO) proudly announces that today, during the 11th Meeting of the International Steering Committee (ISC) of the UN Decade of Family Farming 2019-2028 (UNDFF), the Organisation has been appointed as the Vice Chair of the Committee.

The UNDFF International Steering Committee (ISC) is the main governing body of the Decade of Family Farming and was established to oversee its implementation, monitor activities, and provide guidance. ISC members include representatives of Member States and family farmers’ organisations, both regional and global, such as WFO.

At the World Farmers’ Organisation, we are deeply honoured to serve as Vice-Chair of the International Steering Committee for the UN Decade of Family Farming. As we step into this significant role, we want to thank our predecessors, the World Rural Forum and La Via Campesina, for their dedication and hard work. We commit to working closely with the other esteemed members of the Committee in a multistakeholder approach to boost the implementation of the UNDFF Global Action Plan and advance farmer-oriented policy-making that supports family farmers and all family members, particularly women and youth,” stated the WFO President Mr Arnold Puech d’Alissac. “Behind every farm, located in Malawi or Canada, lies the unwavering strength and spirit of a family. Family farmers are the foundation of food security and are vital to delivering food systems that produce enough healthy food, bring economic benefits and development to rural people and their territories, and safeguard the environment.”

The UNDFF International Steering Committee plays a pivotal role in guiding the strategic direction of the Decade of Family Farming, monitoring its progress, and fostering multistakeholder collaboration between farmers, governments and international organisations. As the newly appointed Vice Chair, the WFO is committed to driving forward the initiatives already implemented and boosting the creation of an enabling political environment that enhances the resilience, sustainability, and prosperity of family farming communities across the globe.

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