The recently concluded Internal Affairs Session of the General Assembly of the World Farmers’ Organisation (WFO) was again this year a testament to the global farming community’s dedication to democratic and consensus-based decision-making in addressing critical agricultural issues.

Through open dialogue, we overcame our differences to advance the agenda for the future of agriculture we want, to feed our hungry world, protect our threatened planet, and ensure the resilience, sustainability, and prosperity of our family farming communities,” remarked WFO President Arnold Puech d’Alissac.

Central to the WFO General Assembly’s outcomes was the adoption of a new policy on Biodiversity and Nature and the revision of the WFO policy on Food Security and Nutrition.

These decisions are expected to significantly position the world’s farmers in the global political arena, stepping up their efforts to ensure that discussions about agriculture reflect and respond to farmers’ experiences on the ground.

Looking ahead, the WFO is committed to its mission of informing and influencing international agriculture decision-making with policies that represent the diverse interests of farmers worldwide, thus shaping the future of agriculture and food production.